…and take advantage of our regular state meetings, CPD hours, national lecture tours, subscription to the
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Research Grants for student members, view Federal Minutes and Committee Reports
and so much more
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Research Grants for student members, view Federal Minutes and Committee Reports
and so much more
is the discipline of dentistry concerned with the consequences of congenital absence or acquired loss of oral tissues
and with the methods for and assessment whether more good than harm is done by inserting artificial devices made
from alloplastic materials.
and with the methods for and assessment whether more good than harm is done by inserting artificial devices made
from alloplastic materials.

- To encourage and maintain the study and clinical advancement of prosthodontics.
- To support, protect and advance the profession of dentistry insofar as it relates to prosthodontics.
- To establish high professional and clinical standards for the practice of prosthodontics.
- To promote prosthodontics as a formally recognised specialist branch of dentistry as well as an integral part of general dental practice

APS Newsletters and Announcements
APS Federal AGM – Tuesday 26 September 2023 @ 12.45pm
FDI World Congress / ADA Congress in Sydney
Fratelli Fresh, Darling Harbour
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